Fruit Yogurt Smoothie

Fruit Yogurt Smoothie and Deviled Eggs

Fruit Yogurt Smoothie and Deviled Eggs

Today is day 5 of 30 days without groceries. So far it is going great! I’ve even dropped a couple of pounds…BONUS! I noticed I had some plain yogurt in the fridge that needed to be used so I dug around in the freezer and found some smoothie fruit: pineapple, mango and strawberry. Perfect! So I got out my old and trusty Waring beehive blender. I mean this thing is like old as Methuselah; classic chrome finish with the original glass clover leaf jar with the detachable handle. The top even has a built-in 2 ounce shot cup. I love using it. It’s like a trip in a time machine for just a brief moment.

To this magnificently designed blender, I added 1 1/2 cup of frozen fruit, 1/4 cup water and 1/2 cup yogurt. I blended it up nice and smooth and it was absolutely delicious. I also sliced a boiled egg and mixed the yolks with a little red bell pepper, celery, olive oil and salt. Stuffed the whites and voila! A simple yet healthy breakfast in less than 5 minutes.

Til’ next time…

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